The Fingerless Glove

by Andrew Norris
(Weston Super Mare, England)

As you lay down beside me in peace whilst you sleep; I think of the pain thats stored in you so deep.

Amazed every day just how you still show so much care; The worlds full of goodness but yours is quite rare.

You would give your last breath to help a struggling soul; You can see in a person when lives taking its toll.

You put everyone first and share what's left all around; You would never think twice to give up your last pound.

A wondering stranger catches a climpse of your eye; There is never a time that you've walked on by.

Seeing more than the man you see the torture inside; You stop and talk to the man and help restore his lost pride.

An outstretched hand you will offer to the fingerless glove; Like his saint and his angel that's been sent from above.

Not a judgement is made or pity heard in her tone; Just a desire to show him that he is not all alone.

Teaching our children the value of charity; That the beggers position is not self explanitory

To sit down by their side and lend an ear to their words; Showing that there are angels amongst the ignorant herds.

The man with no name is the same as any other; Inside is the story for this book with no cover.

A little deeper to dig will open up this best seller; You take a hold of his hand as his story he tells ya.

As a boy he was told he would be killed if he stayed; So he chose the streets at eleven and from then his head laid.

Doing all that he could to find a shelter each night; Sometimes going for days with no food he could bite.

The streets did not care that I was just 12 years old; That this mere boy was afraid that he was hungry and cold.

As each day turned to night which turned to weeks then to years; I have hardened my heart and have run out of tears.

I was beaten so bad I could not manage to stand; My head used as a drum for the violent band.

As I stumbled back slowly where that night I had slept; I laid myself on the step and for two nights I just wept;

As I hardened my heart and learned to have a thick skin; I found a strength formed of anger from deep down within.

As I grew in my stature so did my anger inside;
I was fearless and reckless and didn’t care if I died;

With each day I got weaker and not someone to fear; Looking for ways to escape life through lager and gear.

Told everyday I'm a loser for not paying my way;
Assuming drugs is the reason why the streets I here lay;

As we said our goodbyes he whispered thanks in her ear; With one last act of compassion she wiped away his first tear.

An example of just how to live and how we all should just love; You gave a man normal who wears the fingerless glove.

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Jun 11, 2019

by: Dana

Wow, Andrew! I got chills reading this poem! I assume you wrote this? So deep, introspective and powerful.

You are so right, too. It is so important to lose the judgement for self and others and just love everyone. We are all souls striving for the same thing. To feel and be loved. Regardless of color, race, religion, etc. we all have a common goal.

I'm so sorry that you've gone through what you describe in your poem. I'm also happy that you are able to use your writing as a way to express yourself and heal. I hope that you have found the ability to love yourself and to embrace the fact that, regardless of your upbringing, you are a divine, powerful human being!

Well done, Andrew. I appreciate you sharing this with me and my visitors.

Sending you love and light!


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