The Dog
by Mary Aderholt
(Branfiord, Florida)
The Dog
If no one was there to hear her cry
Was she really crying?
Of course, if the dog could speak
He would tell you how he comforted her
How he chased away her demons
How me made her smile again
So when you ask ”why is the dog in the house?”
Maybe he was sent to her, to keep her safe
Maybe to give her another day on this earth
Maybe he was there to let her know
Someone cares and needs her
So when you say “he is worthless”
Be careful, you don’t know what heartache he might have saved you today
You don’t know how his soft fur provided comfort
You don’t know how his cold nose on her cheek made her feel loved
You don’t know how his nudges to get out of bed made her laugh
You don’t know that when he brought her his baby, she knew it was a gift
So when you yell at him to “go lay down”
She knows you yelled at her guardian angel
She knows the ungratefulness he feels
She knows he needs her as much as she needs him
So when you say “you love the dog more than me”
Ask yourself, did I do as much for her as the dog did?
Did I recognize how much pain she was in?
Did I comfort her, nudge her to change positions?
Did I make her laugh when no one else could?
Did I just lay with her in silence until the demons passed?